Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Am Still Waiting...And Waiting...And Waiting...

It's been 4 weeks , 2 days and 7 hours. But who's counting? Surely not I who, after the moment got that life altering letter, checks the mailbox every hour of every day. (I've gotten the schedule of the mailman every day so I don't check it as much.The chink of that mail box is music to my ears. For the past 4 weeks, I live and breathe for that mail to come. I have pleaded,prayed and sweated over it but it seems fate does not heed to my pleas. I still am on a roller coaster of emotions.Depressed one moment and numb the next.Every morning offers a new promise.Every afternoon a moment of despair.Then the cycle continues.

Perhaps my mistake is to have googled it. I have found out that others have gotten their letters after mere 2-3 weeks.One got his a day after.Never mind that theirs were processed 2 years before.Things must have changed now.No wonder I have been waitng for a month.Silly me for getting my hopes up.My friend has warned me about this.Oh well, I hope she isn't right. I still have 3 weeks to prove she's wrong.