Monday, March 23, 2009

He really is an IDIOT!!!

I hate this book.

I hate this book so much that I hate it.

It's not because it sucks but it's too painful. Too painful for me because of what Prince Myshkin did to my Aglaia. How can he do that? How can he be such a dolt?He is an idiot in every sense of the word. They say that his idiocy is merely his naivity of the world. Always sees the goodness in others, letting them fleece him, abuse him and still manage to forgive. People making fun of him and that's alright. Only Aglaia sees thru him.And Natasya. Both women love him but of different kind. Whom did he choose? The one of bad kind. Serves him right. But I feel sorry for what happened to my poor Aglaia, the jilted one. Rushed off to a bad marriage. It's all Myshkin's fault! I hate him.He made himself crazy that's for sure. Bad choices.

To lessen my pain, I watched my fave Pride and Prejudice and trying to read the book for the 4th time. To wash away the feeling of pain this stupid book brought me.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Is this really my first post for 2009?

I'm so tamad!

What is happenning to me? Very busy with work. Stressed too but I DON'T WANT THINK ABOUT IT ON MY WEEKEND OFF! I think I'm going to be sick. Me Uncle says I'm too pale. I have'nt been sleeping well lately and I've been holding pee often because I'm too busy going to the loo! (It kills me at night when I'm about to sleep). I need to pay more attention to myself. Right, go to the washroom when I need to.

I need to buy a new top for Saturday. It has to be red. I only have blue.

My grandma is pressuring me to finish my box.

My mother drives me nuts because of her neighbor.

My back is killing me for sitting for a long period of time.(Thank God I don't gain weight!)

I'm so sick of my Patapon game because I could'nt finish the bloody stage!

And for some insane reason why do I keep on spending?!

At least I love my book "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky.

I just spoke with my parents on the phone.

I saw a new clip from Harry Potter. Can't wait til July 17.

My husband's papers are being processed.

I'm going to attend a friend's bachelorette's party on Friday.( I hope the pizza delivery guy is not gay...)

And I've reacquainted with my long lost friend. Thank God for Facebook! (Hi Minnie!).